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Top Ten Tweets Of The Week (After Charlotte)

Each week here at Racing Refresh we like to take a look back to the week that was in motorsports on X. Let's get started! 10.

Paul Menard is still getting it done in 2024. Here's to hoping the Trans Am Series can find a better TV deal soon. 9.

You Shall Not Pass! 8.

It appears that he is. 7.

Can you imagine missing a call from Mr. H? Talk about "I gotta take this." 6.

Two friends, and two fierce competitors. Two men driven to be at the top of everything they do. 5.

What a scene. The double may have been a dud due to the weather. But, we saw history nonetheless. 4.

This is some good company! 3.

NASCAR made a pretty unpopular decision Sunday night. It's going to take a race or two to live it down. 2.

Yup. I don't get it. 1.

No matter your view on Larson it's tough to read how heartbroken he clearly is. I'm betting he will try to make things right in 2025.

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