(Photo Credit: Twitter.com/Team_SHR26)
Press Release | SAM HUNT RACING
MOORESVILLE, N.C. (July 1, 2024) – Sam Hunt Racing (SHR) announces today that ColtureSports, a rapidly growing multi-media ecosystem of agencies, will join Sam Hunt Racing asa primary partner for the Chicago Loop 110 on Saturday, July 6 with road course ace SageKaram behind the wheel.
Colture Sports, serves as the sports management company with a diverse roster acrossbasketball and football under the COLTURE Holdings umbrella, an investmentmanagement company that focuses on entertainment, music, technology and sportsassets. Under Ty Baisden and Jayne Andrew’s leadership, COLTURE has achievedremarkable success, cementing its reputation as a powerhouse in the independent musicscene. Their innovative strategies and dedication to artist development have beeninstrumental in Brent Faiyaz’s meteoric rise. This comprehensive strategy underscoresBaisden’s innovative vision and dedication to fostering a diverse and successful businessecosystem within NASCAR.
“Colture Sports is thrilled to announce our new partnership with Sam Hunt Racing. Thissponsorship represents a significant step in our commitment to supporting dynamic andcompetitive sports teams,” said Colture Sports Founder & CEO Ty Baisden. “Colture Sportsand Sam Hunt Racing share a passion for excellence, innovation, and communityengagement. This collaboration is a natural fit for both our brands. Diversity is at the heartof Colture Sports and we believe that embracing different perspectives and backgroundsfosters creativity and drives success. Each year we hope to continue to collaborate tofurther raise the bar and deliver a diverse and thrilling fan experience.”
Through its partnership with Sam Hunt Racing, Colture Sports aims to break down barriersand create opportunities for drivers from diverse backgrounds to excel, contributing to theevolving landscape of NASCAR. By leveraging the creative vision that propelled COLTURE’ssuccess in the music industry, Colture Sports and Sam Hunt Racing are dedicated tomaking NASCAR more inclusive and reflective of its diverse fan base.
“A primary goal within my role is to help my teammates succeed as humans, and use ourplatform to reach new places, cultures, and athletes outside of motorsport,” said SamHunt, owner of Sam Hunt Racing. “To partner with Colture Sports for the Chicago StreetRace, a forward-thinking brand that genuinely believes in providing a positive culture fortheir talent that goes far beyond support within their respective sport – is something we arenot only excited about, but truly believe in. Ty [Baisden] is building a positive movement forthe future, and we are ready to bring Colture Sports into the forefront of the NASCARspace.”
Sage Karam will return to the streets of Chicago for the Chicago Loop 110 to pilot the No.26 Colture Sports GR Supra. In the inaugural Chicago Street Race event in 2023, Karamqualified 11th out of a full field of 38. The 110-lap event, which takes place in the Grant Parkfootprint, will mark Karam’s 30th career NXS start and fifth start with Sam Hunt Racing.
In 2023, Karam made his SHR debut in the No. 24 entry at Road America. It was a careerbestweekend for Karam, as the multi-time Indy 500 starter earned his career-best startingposition (sixth) and his career-best finish (fourth) after battling for the win in the closing laps.Karam’s efforts also marked SHR’s best starting position [at the time] and established a newteam-best finish on a road course.
In the inaugural Chicago Street Race event, Sam Hunt Racing entered two cars, bringinghome 10th and 16th-place finishes.
The Chicago Loop 110 in Chicago, Illinois will take place on Saturday, July 6 at 3:30PM ET.Viewers and listeners can tune in to NBC, the Motor Racing Network, and SiriusXM NASCARChannel 90.